

The Doctoral Consortium will be a spin-off meeting of the VI HELMeTO Annual Conference. The doctoral consortium will provide an opportunity for PhD and graduate students or that will obtain the degree in a few months to explore their research interests in an interdisciplinary workshop, under the guidance of a panel of distinguished experts in the field.


The Doctoral Consortium on Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online is intended to bring together Ph.D. students and candidates within the Education, Computer Science, Psychology, Data Science Technologies, Applications and Software Technologies field to discuss their research in an international forum. 


The HELMeTO Doctoral Consortium will accept papers that falls in two main macro-fields:


  1. Learning methodologies.
  2. Technology enhanced learning.

More precisely, the Doctoral Consortium will provide students with an opportunity to:

  • Present their research work in a relaxed and supportive environment;
  • Receive feedback and suggestions from peers and experienced faculty members;
  • Gain an overview of the breadth and depth of the conjunction between three main sectors Education, Computer Science and Psychology;
  • Share experience and collect insights taken by other doctoral candidates;
  • Discuss concerns about research, supervision, the job market, and other issues;
  • Network with peers and future colleagues

The symposium aims at becoming a meeting point for researchers in education, psychology, computing, and to all those who have an interest in the future of learning with technology. The Conference is expected to advance a set of scientific knowledge and methodologies of intervention that can be purposefully applied to the design and development of technologies that support the learning process.

Doctoral Consortium


The Doctoral Consortium advisory board will comment each presentation and at the end of the consortium there will be a general discussion, including a reflection about current and future research topics in the area.


The Doctoral Consortium is based on the following requirements and rules: 

  • No fee are requested, the event is free of charge.
  • Participation is open to Doctoral Students who have started their research;
  • Participation is open to Master degree’s students that intends to participate to PhD call;
  • Each abstract must not have contributors that hold a PhD including supervisors. They could be acknowledged in the “Acknowledgements” section of the paper;
  • Each abstract must be presented by the student/s during the Doctoral Consortium;
  • Submissions will be judged mainly on relevance, originality, potential impact and clarity;
  • Abstract must adhere to the template;
  • Abstract must refer to main research proposal of the PhD candidate;
  • Paper length: maximum 10000 characters (excluding references);
  • Papers must be written in MS-Word or Latex including the following information: 
    • Name of the author;
    • Advisor/s name/s;
    • University of belonging;
    • Start date of the PhD;
    • Select 5 keywords;
    • Select one main field between;
      • Technology Enhanced Learning 
      • Educational methodologies;
    • Context and motivation for your research;
    • State of the art and/or key related work that frames your research;
    • Research objectives;
    • Methods and rationale;
    • Expected outcomes;
    • Expected next steps.

Abstracts will be selected for two one of the following two modalities;

  1. Presentation (10 min);
  2. Poster (2 min). 


To apply for participation at the Doctoral Consortium, please submit your paper through the online submission and follow the instructions and templates that can be found here. 

Abstract will be evaluated by a panel that will accept the best papers.


The accepted abstract for the Presentation sessions should prepare:

The accepted abstract for the Poster sessions should prepare:

Important Deadlines

Author Notification

April 21st, 2024


May 8-9, 2024